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Dungeon Siege Cheats +resizelabels

Ok, this one is pretty easily the least useful of all the Dungeon Siege cheat codes that I know of. You use it to resize the labels over your character - assuming that you are playing with the labels enabled in the first place.

For me personally I never have the labels up so +resizelabels is useless.

If you are near sighted (which I hear can happen if you sit in front of a computer for excessive amounts of time) then making the labels bigger will help - assuming you need the labels in the first place.

One of the great things that I like about Dungeon Siege is the quality of the graphics. Not only are they nice to look at, but because of their level of detail things like labels are unnecessary. Because all of the characters look different I don't really need the labels to tell me who is who or what is what.

But it is a cheat code and this wouldn't be a complete site without listing it.

For a full list of cheats see
Dungeon Siege Cheats page.
Here you can find links to Dungeon Siege Walkthroughs.

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