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Making Money With Adbrite

Ok, yes there are off-topic posts now and again. Hey I do have other things to do besides play Dungeon Siege.

I'm sure you have other things to do as well. If one of those things is blog or manage a web site of any kind then you may want to consider Adbrite.

Why? Well very simple. They pay better than google adsense. Yep, that's pretty much it.

Also that is an affiliate link so of course there is something in it for me. But really its because they pay better than adsense and are just as easy to use.

You may have noticed the adbrite ads on this site. Yep that's a hint that I'm not here just puffing sunshine into your face. I use their service. I make money with their service. (And I'll make more money if you click the affiliate link and sign up already).

The point being that if you have a blog you can make money with their service as well.

Oh, did I mention that it costs nothing to sign up? Its really simple, really easy, and really fast.

Yep, its pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Your full page ads that auto displays is a violation of TOS of entrecard. I have nothing against it but better to inform you before your account gets deleted. I dont complain about it but many hates the full page pops and will report you sooner than you'd think.

    Good luck.
