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Running Away

What makes the difference between life and death in Dungeon Siege?

Great gear?
Great stats?
Tons of XP?

Nope, nope, and nope.

Running away will keep you alive when everything else fails. If the bad guys can't hit you then they can't kill you. So the lesson that you need to take away is to go cautiously.

Especially early in the game, be careful when entering an area that you haven't been through before. If you aren't sure what is around the next corner, go slowly and be prepared to turn back around and get out.

For some games the best strategy is to run in, get all the mobs stirred up and then run back out and pick them off at some funnel like a doorway. This is not a good strategy in Dungeon Siege. You are much, much better off picking off the enemies one at a time. If you do start to get surrounded or run into a mob that is more powerful, be prepared to run away and then come back more carefully later.

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